Saturday, December 18, 2010

Here Goes Nothing..

Fresh new beginnings. Moving away from home and going through so many different experiences is what my life has been filled with lately, since August I have relocated away from the clan and spread my wings. This by far has been the best thing for me. Deciding to leave friends, family, and familiarity to get away from what I know I have met beautiful people that have influenced me greatly. Alpha Phi brought me under their arms and brought me in. If it was not for those women and that great influence I would not be here... 

I am trying to focus on the more positive things in my life now that I know what it is like to loose the things  you love most in the blink of an eye. Studying graphic design with the possibility of minoring in psychology. I'm having a blast in college but I possibly could put more into the studying and schooling aspect of it all.. ooops. Being so close to St. George and Vegas how could a girl resist taking spontaneous trips every once in awhile??

Growing up is not in my vocabulary. I will always be a child, if I could go live with Peter Pan... my bags are already packed. Just yesterday I pulled a prank on my mother, honking a horn at a middle aged man while he was walking across the street and then possibly ducking so as if my mother was the only one in the car, she yells (with just a little chuckle) "Molly will you ever grow up!", sorry mom but nope I sure as hell will not!